Live Webinar Event: Injunction Junction What’s Your Function?
April 16, 2021 | Sebaly Shillito + Dyer
Attorney Dan Donnellon of Sebaly Shillito + Dyer, author of Injunctions and Restraining Orders in Ohio, 2020 Ed., is conducting a webinar hosted by the Cincinnati Bar Association for CLE credit.
Injunction Junction What’s Your Function?
When: April 23, 2021 11:30 a.m.– 1:00 p.m.
To Register: Register Here!
Registration Fee’s: $52.50 CBA Member, $75 Non-Member
Please Note: This is a live interactive Zoom webinar that can be viewed by participants on their own computers remotely. Participants will receive 1.5 hours of CLE credit (pending) for participating in this webinar.
One business day prior to the program, you will receive two emails – one containing your materials and a separate email from Zoom containing a personalized link to access the webinar. You must use the personalized link in order to receive CLE credit.
Registration will close one hour before the start of the webinar