H-1B Visa Registration Period Begins March 7 2025
February 17, 2025 | Karl R. Ulrich
It is H-1B visa season once again. Employers looking to engage foreign specialty workers under the government’s H-1B program need to begin preparations for the application process now.
H-1B visas are limited. The annual cap is 65,000, and another 20,000 are reserved for those who have master’s degrees or higher. Since the demand for these visas almost always exceeds the annual supply, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) holds an annual random drawing, or lottery, to determine which petitions will be reviewed on their merits. The lottery registration process, unlike an H-1B petition itself, is relatively simple.
USCIS announced last week that the random lottery registration period for the fiscal year 2026 H-1B visa cap will begin on March 7, 2025 and run through March 24, 2025. The USCIS plans to announce its selections from the random lottery by “no later” than March 31, 2025. Realistically, though, that date may slip before the season is over. The fee to register an applicant in the lottery is $10.
If your organization is considering sponsoring any candidates for H-1B visa status in the upcoming year, now is the time to begin the process. Organizations who miss this registration period will need to wait until next year to sponsor candidates for H-1B visa status.
For more information about H-1B visas and other employment-based immigration options, for assistance in preparing an H-1B lottery registration or for help in preparing any other visa application or application for work authorization, contact the Sebaly Shillito + Dyer immigration team at 937-222-2052 or kulrich@ssdlaw.com.
This material is not intended as legal advice and is for general informational purposes only. Those seeking legal advice should consult directly with legal counsel regarding their specific facts and circumstances.